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Leading a Multi-Agency Road Extension Effort in South Orange County

La Pata Avenue Extension Project | Orange County, CA

For the original design and Project Report, LSA managed a team consisting of a project engineer, three geotechnical consultants, a traffic consultant, a utility consultant, and a public relations firm to prepare technical studies, a Project Report, and an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) to complete two links on the Master Plan of Arterial Highways. The project extends La Pata Avenue through Prima Deshecha Landfill, crossing under electric transmission lines and between the communities of Talega and Forster Ranch. The project also extends a local roadway (Camino del Rio) to intersect with the new arterial. The project’s location required extensive coordination with Orange County Public Works, OC Waste & Recycling, Orange County Parks, Southern California Edison, San Diego Gas & Electric, the City of San Clemente, the City of San Juan Capistrano, and local residents.

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Preparation of technical studies included a biological assessment for which LSA conducted floristic-level plant surveys, general wildlife surveys, a jurisdictional delineation, and habitat mapping. Subsequently, LSA procured the regulatory permits for the construction of the road improvements, which involved impacts to 26 separate jurisdictional drainages. LSA also prepared presentations for public meetings, presentations to local homeowner’s associations, and updates to the County of Orange 5th District Supervisor. LSA shepherded the project through the process, resulting in a new alignment accepted by the majority of local homeowners, an approved Project Report, and a certified EIR. LSA also provided biological, archaeological, and paleontological monitoring services for the construction of the roadway.

As of August 15, 2016, the road is now open.


Orange County Public Works

Environmental Document; Biological, Archaeological/Paleontological Monitoring



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