Cultural Resources

LSA can help you navigate the full spectrum of federal, State, and local environmental review requirements governing the management and preservation of cultural resources. We back up our knowledge of the regulatory framework with region-specific expertise, professional certifications, and fully appointed laboratory facilities. Our specialists address regulatory requirements pertaining to archaeology, architectural history, local and regional history, cultural landscapes, Native American consultation, and traditional cultural properties. We identify issues early in the planning and design process when the most cost-effective solutions are possible.
- Archaeological Survey, Excavation, and Monitoring
- Architectural History Documentation and Analysis
- Section 106, NEPA, and CEQA Compliance
- National and California Register Eligibility Evaluation
- Native American Consultation, including AB 52, SB 18, and Section 106 Assistance
- Impact Assessment, Mitigation Implementation, and Reporting
- Historic Preservation Planning
- Regulatory Agency Coordination
- Historic American Buildings Survey/Historic American Engineering Record (HABS/HAER) Photo-Documentation
- Compliance Monitoring (Construction Phase)
- Federal Agency Third Party Review
- Due Diligence Research
- Ethnographic Studies
- Worker Environmental Awareness Program (WEAP)
Hollyhock House
LSA prepared a supplemental Historic Structures Report (HSR) for Hollyhock House, the centerpiece of the National Historic Landmark Aline Barnsdall Complex.
Tolay Lake Regional Park and Tolay Creek Ranch
LSA conducted cultural resources studies for these two interrelated and adjacent properties in Sonoma County, in anticipation of the creation of a regional park/land trust management partnership and master plan implementation.
City of San Diego As-Needed Cultural Resources Services
Under the existing agreement for As-Needed Cultural Resources Services for Citywide Engineering Programs and Projects, LSA has completed 12 task orders providing various cultural resources-related services ranging from construction monitoring, testing, and excavation to geoarchaeological surveys, constraints analyses, and archival research.
LSA is such a great team to work with. They have very knowledgeable staff. They prepared the Cultural Resources Studies for the Salinas Freight Depot Rehab Project, and did such an excellent job delivering the project within its very limited time constraints.
– Josie Lantaca, City of Salinas (regarding the Salinas Freight Depot Rehabilitation Project)