Water Quality

Water is a precious commodity. Let our comprehensive water quality services assess, mitigate, and monitor impacts on water resources from your land development and construction activities. We apply our thorough understanding of state and federal water quality standards to develop effective solutions to prevent contamination from sediment and other pollutants.
- Water Quality Assessment Reports for CEQA/NEPA Analyses
- Summary of Floodplain Encroachment Reports
- Certified Professionals in Erosion and Sediment Control (CPESC)
- Certified Professional in Storm Water Quality (CPSWQ)
- Certified Sediment and Storm Water Inspector (CESSWI)
- Water Quality Monitoring Programs for Mitigation/Endangered Species Compliance
- Vegetation Plans for Bioswales and Natural Treatment Systems
Newport Beach City Hall and Park Development Plan
LSA prepared technical studies and the EIR for development and operation of a new 98,000-square-foot City Hall building and a 14.3-acre park.
Bethel Island Bridge Replacement Project
LSA conducted water quality monitoring during construction of the Bethel Island Road replacement bridge over Dutch Slough in Contra Costa County.
Nova Group Restoration and Monitoring Plan SWPPP
LSA managed preparation and implementation of this Wetland/Riparian Restoration and Monitoring Plan for an open-space parcel.