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Addressing Known and Potential Wildlife Hazards to Aircraft Operations

Long Beach International Airport Wildlife Hazard Assessment | Long Beach, CA

LSA prepared a Wildlife Hazard Assessment (WHA) for the Long Beach Airport to address known and potential wildlife hazards to aircraft operations. The WHA, prepared in accordance with FAA guidelines per 14 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 139.337, provides the basis for determining whether a Wildlife Hazard Management Plan (WHMP) is necessary. The WHA addressed two zones: the Air Operations Area (AOA) and the Wildlife Hazard Separation Zone (all lands within a 10,000-foot radius of the AOA). Tasks included (1) identification of observed wildlife species, numbers, locations, local movements, and daily/seasonal occurrences based on on-site surveys conducted twice per month for a year by wildlife biologists professionally trained in airport wildlife hazard management; ( 2) mapping and descriptions of natural and non-natural wildlife attractant features on/near the airport; (3) descriptions of wildlife hazards to air carrier operations; and (4) prioritized recommendations for reducing/mitigating wildlife hazards based on data from local, State, and federal sources (e.g., strike data). The WHA has been approved by the Federal Aviation Administration.


Long Beach International Airport

Wildlife Hazard Assessment; Field Work



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