Planning for Additional Runway, Hangars, and More
Hemet-Ryan Airport Master Plan Update | Hemet, CA
LSA prepared the Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Hemet-Ryan Airport Master Plan for the Riverside Economic Development Agency, which owns and operates the airport. The Draft EIR was circulated for public review in December 2011. The EIR addressed the potential impacts of implementing the long-range plans for the airport on both a project-specific and programmatic basis. In addition to the extension of an existing runway and the addition of a new runway and parallel taxiway, the EIR addressed the expansion and relocation of the California Department of Fire and Forestry Protection Air Attack base from the south side of the runways to the north side, development of large hangars, addition of Precision Approach Path Indicators, T-hangers for small aircraft, fixed-base operators, and other ancillary aviation-related uses.
The EIR analysis was supported by technical calculations and studies addressing air pollution emissions, biological resources, cultural resources, greenhouse gas emissions, and noise impacts. Based on these studies and other analyses, the EIR included a detailed assessment of potential impacts associated with air quality, biological resources, cultural resources, greenhouse gases and global climate change, hydrology and water quality, noise, transportation and circulation, and utilities and service systems. Based on comments received to date from the biological resources agencies, the EIR will be recirculated to include a burrowing owl habitat management program to ensure the long-term viability of the species within the non-development areas of the airport property.
Wildlife Hazards Assessments for Southern California Airports
Various cities, CA
Palm Springs International Airport
Palm Springs, CA
San Francisco International Airport Runway Safety Area Project
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Sonoma County, CA
Long Beach Airport
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