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Castroville Bicycle/Pedestrian Path and Railroad Overcrossing | Castroville, CA
LSA prepared the technical studies and California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) compliance documentation for the Castroville Bicycle/Pedestrian Path and Railroad Crossing Project. Caltrans Local Assistance prepared the Categorical Exclusion in compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) by using the technical reports prepared by LSA.
The project includes a new Class I bicycle and pedestrian facility, including a bridge crossing over the Union Pacific Railroad tracks. The proposed project would also connect with an existing Class I bike and pedestrian path at Castroville Boulevard. The proposed project is located in northern Monterey County, northeast of the community of Castroville, and is within the Coastal Zone, thereby requiring a Coastal Zone consistency determination. Key environmental issues include natural and wetland resources, coastal resources, cultural resources, and farmlands. LSA prepared an Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration pursuant to CEQA, which was approved in February 2014. LSA will conduct the biological training and biological monitoring for construction activities.
Mid-Coast Corridor Transit Project
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California High-Speed Rail
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I-710 Corridor EIR/EIS
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