The LSA Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) was initiated in 1984 with the purchase of 60 percent of the company stock from the founder of the company, Larry Seeman, followed a few years later by the purchase of the remaining 40 percent, establishing LSA as a 100 percent employee-owned firm. LSA became an ESOP to satisfy the entrepreneurial desire of professionals to benefit in the ownership of the firm in which they practice. At LSA, we have a commitment to be accountable to one another because we are all “owners” and everyone has a stake in the firm’s success. All LSA employees benefit from the success of the firm.

Community Involvement
The LSA Green Team participates in a variety of volunteer and community service events, including beach clean—ups, habitat restoration events, and E-waste recycling drives with various organizations. The Green Team regularly updates a “Green Calendar” that provides LSA staff with environmentally-related events throughout the surrounding area.

Reducing LSA’s Environmental Footprint, One Step at a Time
The LSA Green Team partners with maintenance staff to improve facility management. In doing so, the LSA Green Team has implemented initiatives such as office-wide recycling, low-flow faucets, automatic light switches, and environmentally responsible cleaning/post-consumer content cleaning products. Additionally, the LSA Green Team encourages staff to reduce its carbon footprint and operate efficiently through efforts such as double-sided printing whenever possible, turning off lights and appliances when not in use, using reusable dishware and utensils, purchasing reusable office supplies, and carpooling to meetings and events. Our Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility Plan is both measurable and practical, and it has been wholeheartedly adopted by each office. LSA’s Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility Plan can be found here.

Education and Employee Engagement
The LSA Green Team has implemented a variety of initiatives to encourage employee engagement with environmental sustainability initiatives in the office, at home, and in the community. LSA staff receives a weekly email update that includes a Green Tip or Green Fact. The Green Team also provides a forum where employees can meet to discuss ideas as to how to improve sustainability efforts in the office and beyond.
As a firm that specializes in diversified environmental consulting services, LSA has the opportunity to demonstrate its commitment to the environment not only through work as a leader in its field, but also through participation in community service events. The Green Team provides a means of implementing these volunteer initiatives in a way that also encourages employee participation and engagement.
LSA has participated in several environmentally focused community service events in the surrounding community, including Earth Day initiatives, habitat restorations, and cleanups.
As employee owners of a diversified consulting firm specializing in environmental, transportation, and planning services, our mission is to provide our clients with service and responsiveness, experience and expertise, all of which are based on a foundation of integrity and trust.