Chino Climate Action Plan Update
Chino Climate Action Plan Update| Chino, CA
The City of Chino (City) continues to maintain its commitment to sustainability with the help of LSA. LSA is currently supporting the City by assisting with the 2020 Climate Action Plan (CAP) Update. The CAP identifies strategies to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and improve sustainability. Local benefits of a CAP for the City include community initiatives, reduction of the carbon footprint, and sustainable operations.
This project involves updating the City’s GHG inventory and target setting to conform to the statewide GHG reduction targets set in Senate Bill (SB) 32. The update will also keep the City on track to reach its GHG emissions reduction targets beyond the year 2030.
As part of the 2020 CAP Update, LSA conducted a citywide climate change vulnerability and risk assessment. LSA established an Application Tracking System that calculates GHG reductions associated with applications for solar installation; heating, air conditioning, and ventilation (HVAC) system updates and reroofing, to name a few.
The LSA team was involved in several stakeholder meetings with the City and the Baldy Mesa Chapter of the Building Industry Association (BIA). LSA provided GHG Screening Tables for the Chino CAP as a way of offering more flexibility for development projects to show consistency with the CAP and allow CEQA tiering.
LSA also assisted the City during negotiations with representatives of Citizens for Responsible Equitable Environmental Development (CREED), by providing more details on solar-ready roofs and the installation of photovoltaic solar panels. Finally, when CREED legally challenged the 2013 CAP, LSA assisted in the development of the Administrative Record for the project, which provided a successful legal defense of the CAP.