Connecting Communities with a Scenic Bike and Pedestrian Trail
Monterey Bay Sanctuary Scenic Trail | Moss Landing, CA
LSA has completed the environmental technical reports and is currently completing the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) documentation for the Moss Landing Segment of the Monterey Bay Sanctuary Scenic Trail (MBSST). The MBSST project is a collaborative effort among public agencies, nonprofit organizations, and the public to construct a trail that would allow people to bicycle around Monterey Bay from Lovers Point in Pacific Grove to Wilder Ranch in Santa Cruz. The Lead Agency is the County of Monterey, Department of Public Works. California Department of Transportation District 5 has an oversight role and is reviewing the environmental and engineering documentation during the analysis phase.
The subject segment of the proposed bicycle/pedestrian trail is approximately 4,500 feet (0.86 mile) long, located between Moss Landing Road and the recently completed section of the trail just north of Elkhorn Slough at North Harbor, Moss Landing in Monterey County. The proposed alignment is to the west of State Route 1.
Key environmental issues being analyzed include cultural resources (e.g., a former bridge across Moss Landing Slough, archaeological and Native American burial sites and resources), biological resources (including habitats for sensitive species in and around Elkhorn Slough), potential hazardous materials near the project site, visual resources, and water quality. LSA prepared a Cultural Resources Constraints Analysis in advance of the detailed environmental analyses and CEQA and NEPA documentation. LSA also conducted Native American consultation on the project for the County of Monterey. Following completion of the environmental documentation, LSA will prepare permit applications and documentation for the Clean Water Act (Sections 404, 401), the California Department of Fish and Game Streambed Alteration (Section 1602), a Coastal Zone Development Permit, the Endangered Species Act, and Section 106 cultural resources processes according to California Department of Transportation standards.
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