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Trails Offer Stunning Views of Coastal Scenery

Point Buchon Trail | San Luis Obispo, CA

LSA oversaw the development of the resource constraints analysis, trail alignment/design, operational parameters, and managed access program for the Point Buchon Trail in San Luis Obispo County. The Point Buchon Trail was a Special Condition of the Coastal Development Permit for the construction of an Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation Facility (ISFSI) at Diablo Canyon Power Plant. This Special Condition required PG&E to extend a coastal trail approximately 3 miles south of the Montana de Oro State Park along a coastal terrace that has not been opened to the public for nearly 150 years.

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LSA assisted in the development of a comprehensive environmental baseline inventory and then mapped this information, via GIS, in order to understand the best trail alignment that simultaneously provided a balance of coastal access and resource protection. LSA completed and submitted an access plan to the California Coastal Commission (Commission) on behalf of PG&E, and worked with Commission staff to refine the trail alignment. LSA coordinated trail construction, including the design and installation of signs and trail markers and created an online reservation system. The Point Buchon Trail is currently being used by the public and was recently highlighted at a Commission meeting as a successful example of a coastal access program.

Pacific Gas & Electric

Environmental Constraints and Opportunities Analysis; Land Use Planning; Biological and Cultural Resources; Public Outreach; GIS

2009 Award of Merit for Excellence in Planning from the Central Coast Chapter of the American Planning Association


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