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Sustainable Santee

Sustainable Santee Plan| Santee, CA

Phase 1: LSA Associate Michael Hendrix developed the Draft Sustainable Santee Plan, which focused on the reduction of GHG emissions and adaptation strategies for the City of Santee. The Sustainable Santee Plan had 2020 and 2035 reduction targets. Mr. Hendrix developed adaptation strategies to reduce potential impacts or to build resiliency to impacts. Those strategies focused on public health and safety, electrical demand, water availability, infrastructure damage, wildfire, and social equity. Phase 1 work also included securing grants to fund the project. This resulted in two California Energy Commission grants of $25,000 each, administrated and distributed by San Diego Gas & Electric.

Phase 2: LSA is updating the Draft Sustainability Plan with a 2030 Reduction Target, a 2030 forecast of GHG emissions, and updated reduction measures to meet the 2030 and 2035 reduction targets. Phase 2 also includes a Programmatic Environmental Impact Report to satisfy the CEQA process and make the Sustainable Santee Plan a “Qualified Climate Action Plan” under CEQA.

City of Santee

Project Management; Sustainability Planning; EIR


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