Vail Dam Seismic and Hydrologic Remediation Project
Vail Dam | Temecula, CA
LSA is preparing CEQA and NEPA documentation and permit applications for the Vail Dam Seismic and Hydrologic Remediation Project for the Rancho California Water District (RCWD). RCWD proposes to remediate seismic and hydrologic hazards associated with the existing Vail Dam, an arch dam, by constructing a new straight-axis gravity concrete dam immediately downstream of the existing dam. LSA is currently initiating preparation of the EIR and supporting technical studies, including air quality, biological resources, cultural resources, energy, greenhouse gas emissions, noise, paleontological resources, and transportation.
Mid-Coast Corridor Transit Project
San Diego, CA
California High-Speed Rail
Multiple Locations, CA
I-710 Corridor EIR/EIS
Los Angeles County, CA
Clinton Keith Road Extension
Riverside County, CA
Jelly’s Ferry Road at Sacramento River Bridge Replacement
Tehama County, CA