Amy Fischer
CEQA/NEPA; Air Quality Analysis; GHG Emissions Analysis; Noise Analysis; Transportation Planning; Health Risk Assessment
- Dixon Ranch, El Dorado County, CA
- Napa County Health and Human Services Agency Campus, Napa County, CA

Amy currently serves as LSA’s President/Chief Operating Officer and as a Principal/Project Manager for CEQA/NEPA documents on a variety of development and infrastructure projects. She focuses on responsive project management, innovative problem-solving, and dedication to client needs. As a key member of LSA’s environmental technical staff, Ms. Fischer serves as a senior air quality, climate change, and noise analyst for CEQA/NEPA and planning documents and is responsible for research, and preparation of technical reports. Amy has over 20 years of experience in the environmental field and has participated in environmental analysis for many diverse projects in California. She has also been a member of the Central Valley Chapter of the Association of Environmental Professionals (AEP) Board of Directors since 2009.
If Amy is not in the office, you can probably find her vacationing with her husband and two boys at Lake Tahoe. Amy is a life-long swimmer and continues to find new ways to challenge herself in the sport. She was the 2017 U.S. Masters Swimming Open Water Swimming Long Distance National Champion and recently become one of few to complete the challenging cross-current Three Rocks 10 km marathon swim in the San Francisco Bay.