Water Quality at LSA

Water covers more than 70 percent of the Earth’s surface; it is essential for life, economic well-being, and environmental integrity. Addressing a project’s impact on this precious resource is a crucial part of navigating the environmental process. LSA’s water quality staff members are experts in water quality regulations and standards and have extensive experience analyzing projects pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). LSA applies its expertise to help its clients identify and address water quality issues throughout the life cycle of their projects. Let LSA’s water quality staff help improve the water quality on your project site. LSA’s water quality services include the following:
- Water quality analysis for environmental documents (Environmental Impact Reports [EIRs], Environmental Impact Statements [EISs], Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declarations [IS/MNDs], Environmental Assessments [EAs], etc.)
- Water Quality Assessment Reports (WQARs) for California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) projects
- Summary Floodplain Encroachment Reports (SFERs) for Caltrans projects
- Peer review of Hydrology Reports and Water Quality Management Plans (WQMPs) for development projects for purposes of CEQA compliance