Air Quality / Climate Change

Allow our LSA air quality specialists to ensure that your project complies with CEQA and NEPA, as well as with any local or regional requirements. Our team provides construction-level analyses of air quality impacts for transportation and development projects; identifies unique sources of air pollution such as airplanes, trains, and industrial equipment; and assesses community health risks while developing community risk reduction plans. We use state-of-the-art computer modeling and current protocols to determine any potential air quality impacts of your project.
It is challenging to understand global climate change as the science evolves, and even more challenging to keep up with evolving strategies developed by local, regional, State and federal governments in assessing and reducing our culture’s impacts on the environment. This is where LSA can step in. From greenhouse gas emissions to the carbon footprint of development projects, our experts work with you to develop an approach to climate change analysis that meets current challenges, anticipates future issues, and reflects the needs of the community, your project, and multiple regulatory agencies.

Amy Fischer
Principal/Chief Operations Officer
(559) 490-1210
- Air Quality Analysis for CEQA and NEPA Projects
- Atmospheric Dispersion and Emission Analysis Modeling
- Clean Air Act Conformity Analysis (General and Transportation)
- Air Quality Permitting & Regulatory Compliance Support
- Environmental Auditing for Air Quality Compliance
- Air Toxics Health Risk Assessments
- Air Quality Mitigation and Monitoring Programs
- General Plan Air Quality Element
- Air Pollutant Monitoring Programs
- Greenhouse Gas Analysis for CEQA Projects
- Climate Action Plans
- California Global Warming Solutions Act (AB 32) Compliance
- Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventories
- Climate Change Impact Analysis on Infrastructure, Ecosystems, and Communities
- Greenhouse Gas Reduction Strategies
- Carbon Sequestration and Offset Market (Cap-and-Trade) Evaluations
Villages at Willow Creek
LSA prepared an Air Quality Impact Analysis and Noise Impact Analysis for the proposed Villages at Willow Creek residential project.
Orange County Waste & Recycling Landfill Operations
LSA conducted noise and air quality/greenhouse gas impact studies for the proposed landfill expansion project.
Central Park West
LSA conducted noise and air quality/greenhouse gas impact studies for the proposed Central Park West mixed-use project.