Transportation / Mobility

Transportation and mobility are more than the movement of people, goods, and services; they are an expression of a society and a measure of community health and prosperity. Efficient travel promotes economic vitality, environmental sustainability, and personal health and safety. LSA has been part of the mobility solution for more than 40 years. We are recognized innovators in critical mobility strategies and traffic engineering design solutions. We have crafted strategies to move people, goods, and services and to create meaningful and desirable places. LSA has designed elements of our regional highway system to promote commuter travel and goods movement and has been part of the teams providing solutions at ports, terminals, and airports throughout California. LSA has also provided creative mobility solutions to various communities nationwide and has supported local communities with alternative transportation planning and active transportation implementation. LSA uses its experience in transportation and land use planning to prepare long-range transportation plans, bicycle master plans, nexus studies and fee programs, parking strategies, corridor studies, and preliminary engineering services.
- Traffic Impact Studies for Land Development and Capital Projects
- Parking Demand and Utilization
- Transportation Corridor Studies
- Regional and Community Sustainable Transportation Plans
- Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT)
- Multimodal Transportation Master Plans
- Transit, Bicycle, and Pedestrian Plans
- Travel Demand Model Development, Forecasting, and Applications
- Micro Simulation/Operations Simulation Modeling
- Context Sensitive Complete Street Design
- Master Site Planning and Access Design
- Roadway and Intersection Design, including Modern Roundabouts
- Transportation Infrastructure Fee Programs
Otay Border Crossing Facility
The project will include the development of a passenger terminal within the United States (U.S.) that will connect directly to the Tijuana International Airport in Mexico via pedestrian bridge.
Orange County Sustainable Communities Strategy
LSA provided project management assistance to Orange County Transportation Authority and the Orange County Council of Governments and led the team preparing the Orange County Sustainable Communities Strategies.
Harmony Specific Plan
LSA is working on the Harmony Specific Plan for the mixed-use development of approximately 1,650 acres in the City of Highland.
In working with LSA over the course of the past 25 years, I have found your firm’s work to always be of the highest professional standards whether serving public or private clients. If the opportunity presents itself in the future, it would me my pleasure to serve as a professional reference.
– Steven Harris, City of Yorba Linda
CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL on a HUGE STEP forward for our project!! It is amazing to me to think about where we started, with only a vague sense of what would be involved in obtaining a Presidential Permit. Together as a team, we not only learned what would be required, but also pulled together the necessary information, justified the project, and created an application package so complete that only minor questions were raised by governmental agencies. And with that work, we accomplished something that outsiders thought would take much, much longer. It would not have been possible without the efforts made on both coasts, along with our environmental and traffic engineers. A big thank you to each of you.
– Mark Rowson, Land Development Strategies, Inc. (regarding the Otay Border Crossing Facility Project)