LSA offers high-quality, comprehensive, and prompt noise and vibration services for CEQA and NEPA documents…
Acoustical/Noise and Vibration Assessment Group

LSA’s noise and vibration staff are here to help you on your project. LSA’s team provides comprehensive acoustical/noise and vibration assessment services necessary to comply with federal, State, and local standards as well as CEQA/NEPA requirements. LSA utilizes state-of-the-art software programs and monitoring equipment to help its clients obtain precise noise and vibration measurements and identify acoustical/noise and vibration issues, impacts, and abatement/mitigation for their projects. LSA’s noise and vibration services include the following:
- General Plan/Specific Plan-Level and Project-Specific Noise and Vibration Analyses
- FAA, FHWA, FTA, FRA, and HUD Noise Assessments
- Mechanical/Stationary Noise Compliance Reports
- Residential Acoustical Studies including STC and IIC Testing and Compliance
- Noise and Vibration Monitoring
LSA Noise Project Highlights
- General Plan Noise Element Updates
- City of Long Beach
- City Jurupa Valley
- City of Redlands
- Noise and Vibration Technical Reports for the High-Speed Rail (HSR) Project
- Fresno to Bakersfield Segment
- Bakersfield to Palmdale Segment
- Burbank to Los Angeles Segment
- Transportation Corridor Noise Studies
- SR-710 North Project (Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority [Metro])
- I-5 PA/ED Project (I-405 to SR-55) Project (OCTA)
- Noise and Vibration Impact Analyses
- Culver Public Market Project (Culver City, California)
- 190th and Western Commercial Center Project (Torrance, California)
- STC and IIC Field Testing for the Trilogy at Summerlin Project in Las Vegas, Nevada