California is experiencing a housing crisis. We are in the grip of a climate crisis…
Meet LSA’s Transportation Group!

Transportation and Mobility
Transportation and mobility are more than the movement of people, goods, and services; they are an expression of a society and a measure of community health and prosperity. Efficient travel promotes economic vitality, environmental sustainability, and personal health and safety. LSA has been part of the mobility solution for more than 45 years. The firm is a recognized innovator in critical mobility strategies and traffic-engineering design solutions. LSA has designed elements of the regional highway system to promote commuter travel and goods movement and has been part of teams providing solutions at ports, terminals, and airports throughout California. LSA has also provided creative mobility solutions to various communities nationwide and has supported local communities with alternative transportation planning and active transportation implementation. LSA uses its experience in transportation and land use planning to prepare Long-Range Transportation Plans, bicycle master plans, nexus studies and fee programs, parking strategies, corridor studies, and preliminary engineering services. LSA provides travel demand modeling services, which help in preparing long-range plans, General Plan circulation analysis, and Specific Plans. LSA is currently one of leading firms in California providing analysis and solutions for vehicle miles traveled (VMT) analysis, which is the new California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) metric for determining transportation impacts.

LSA has provided these transportation specialties to clients:
- Traffic impact studies for land development and capital projects
- Transportation and traffic-engineering studies
- Parking demand and utilization studies
- Traffic-calming studies
- Regional and community sustainable transportation plans
- Multimodal transportation master plans
- Transit, bicycle, and pedestrian plans
- Travel demand model development, forecasting, and applications
- VMT analysis
- Microsimulation/operations simulation modeling
- Context-sensitive complete street design
- Master site planning and access design
- Roadway and intersection design, including modern roundabouts
- Construction management planning
- Pavement maintenance programs
- Signal-timing plans
- Roadway
Transportation and Traffic Engineering
The LSA Team has worked on various transportation design projects, including intersection improvements, interchange design, highway design, local street design, bikeway and pedestrian projects, Highway Bridge Program projects, roadway widening, and drainage channel improvements. Various project responsibilities have included production of project study reports; project development support; project reports; final plans, specifications, and estimates; project management; coordination with utility agencies; Americans with Disabilities Act compliance; and scheduling.