Your jurisdiction should be aware of a few key provisions in the California Air Resources…
Meet LSA’s Air Quality Group!

LSA’s air quality staff offers a full range of air quality, greenhouse gas (GHG), energy, and health risk impact assessments for a wide range of projects, including land use developments, marine ports, airports, industrial warehouses, military infrastructure, public mass transit, and highway projects. These services include modeling of construction and operational emissions with mobile and stationary sources. LSA’s air quality specialists ensure that your project complies with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), as well as with all local or regional requirements. LSA’s team of experts provides construction-level analyses of air quality impacts for transportation and development projects; identifies unique sources of air pollution such as airplanes, trains, and industrial equipment; and assesses community health risks while developing community risk reduction plans. LSA uses state-of-the-art computer modeling and current protocols to determine any potential air quality impacts from a particular project.
LSA assesses potential health risks at sensitive receptors using toxic air emissions and health risk assessment (HRA) tools in accordance with the California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) and United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) guidelines. HRAs are generally characterized as a method of estimating a person’s or population’s chances of experiencing cancer or other adverse health effects due to exposure to toxic air contaminants. HRAs can vary in complexity depending on site-specific factors, the type of emission sources, and the regulatory requirements. The firm’s professional staff can expertly design and prepare HRAs to address specific project objectives, whether the challenges are complex or simple.
Some of the specific air quality services LSA provides include the following:
- Air Quality Analysis for CEQA and NEPA Projects
- Atmospheric Dispersion and Emission Analysis Modeling
- Clean Air Act Conformity Analysis (General and Transportation)
- Air Quality Permitting and Regulatory Compliance Support
- Environmental Auditing for Air Quality Compliance
- Air Toxics Health Risk Assessments of Both Project Impacts on the Region and Health Risks at Residential Projects from Ambient Concentrations
- Air Quality Mitigation and Monitoring Programs
- General Plan Air Quality Element
- Air Pollutant Monitoring Programs