General Services Administration

- Preparation of NEPA documentation (all levels)
- Preparation of supporting technical studies (Air Quality, Noise, Traffic, Biological Resources, Cultural and Paleontological Resources, Historic Resources, Visual Resources, Water Quality, and Section 4(f) Evaluations)
- Coordination with local, State, and federal resource agencies and management of public participation programs
- Issuance of legal notices and the incorporation of environmental documents into planning processes
- Mitigation monitoring, including water quality monitoring, dust control monitoring, noise monitoring, and archaeological and paleontological monitoring
- Implementation of permitting procedures for federal (including the United States Fish and Wildlife Service [USFWS] and the United States Army Corps of Engineers [USACE]) and State resource agencies
- Aerial drone imagery and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) analysis
Following is a brief sampling of completed LSA projects, which correspond to our awarded Special Item Numbers. LSA has extensive experience with many Federal agencies, and our staff is ready and equipped to quickly respond to a project inquiry for any Federal agency.