It’s August and summer is ON! Longer days and warmer temps mean one thing –…
Meet LSA’s Palm Springs Team

LSA’s Palm Springs office is located in a desert oasis at the base of the majestic San Jacinto Mountains. Established in 2003, the Palm Springs office is dedicated to serving its clients throughout the Coachella Valley as well as the rest of California. The Palm Springs team is home to a close-knit group of dedicated staff who specialize in environmental planning and biological resource services.
Some recent Palm Springs projects include the Terra-Gen Wind Energy Project, in which the Palm Springs team is providing environmental consulting services for various wind turbine projects in conjunction with Terra-Gen’s Wind Energy Team. Also being managed out of the Palm Springs office is the Avenue 44 Low Flow Crossing Replacement Project, located in Indio. The project proposes the removal of an existing low-water crossing at the Coachella Valley Storm Water Channel (CVSWC) and is replacing it with an all-weather bridge designed to meet current structural, hydraulic, and geometric standards, providing adequate capacity to carry expected future vehicular traffic. It will be constructed to avoid and minimize impacts on the environmentally sensitive area of the site. The team provided various planning, biological resources, and permitting services for this project, including an Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND), Habitat Mitigation and Monitoring Plan (HMMP), and Revegetation Plan. The Palm Springs team was also supported by LSA’s Riverside office for cultural resources research and surveys on this project.
LSA’s Palm Springs team members have also worked on other major projects, such as the Palm Springs International Airport Master Plan Update, for which the staff provided California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) services, and the Devers-Mirage 115-Kilovolt (kV) Subtransmission System Split Project for Southern California Edison (SCE). For the Devers-Mirage project, the team provided preconstruction and relocation surveys for various federally listed endangered species in the Coachella Valley, preparation and implementation of a Salvage and Restoration Plan, invasive plant species surveys, biological monitoring for various 115 kV and 220 kV construction alignments, and biological and environmental compliance monitoring within various SCE substations throughout the Coachella Valley.
The Palm Springs team is a small, close-knit group who share a love for the environment and a love for animals. This love for animals has translated into enhancing the services they provide to their clients and community. Various staff members have engaged in volunteer activities related to their respective fields, including serving on planning committees and sustainability commissions, making presentations to wildlife organizations, and engaging in group activities such as staffing booths for World Environment Day
LSA Palm Springs’ Principals are: