It’s August and summer is ON! Longer days and warmer temps mean one thing –…
Meet LSA’s Roseville Team

The Roseville office, the northernmost LSA office, is nestled in the heart of Placer County within the greater Sacramento metropolitan area. The Roseville office is home to a dedicated and close-knit staff of 12 full-time employees and 4 hourly staff. The team is known for being “casual” but professional as well as for its hard-earned reputation of high efficiency and production. The Roseville staff comprises experts who excel in a variety of specialties, including environmental analysis, biological resources (with a Botanist/Arborist on staff), and cultural resources.
Some recent Roseville projects include the La Grange Road Bridge Replacement for the Merced County Public Works Department, for which the Roseville team is providing biological, cultural resources, and construction monitoring oversight services. The project site contains sensitive archaeological resources as well as vernal pools and provides suitable upland habitat for the State and federally listed California tiger salamander. LSA is currently conducting construction monitoring compliance visits, advising the County of any potential permit conflicts, coordinating with regulatory agency staff, and providing recommendations to avoid construction delays.
Another project being managed out of the Roseville office is the Scott Road Realignment for the Capital Southeast Joint Powers Association (Capital SE JPA). This project involves impacts to sensitive biological habitats within the South Sacramento Habitat Conservation Plan (SSHCP) area, requiring substantial biological analysis and documentation. The project will consist of a California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)
Addendum to a Tiered Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND) and will also involve biological permitting and mitigation assistance with the SSHCP. The Roseville team is preparing an IS/MND document and the NEPA technical studies for the bridge replacement project near the confluence of the Merced and San Joaquin Rivers. A portion of the project is under a Natural Resources Conservation Service conservation easement for the protection of floodplain and associated habitat. The project also requires close coordination with NRCS staff to identify appropriate replacement easement lands and preparation of the requisite National Environmental Quality Act (NEPA) documentation.
LSA’s Roseville team is also preparing the MND for the 200+ acre Bass Lake Regional Park expansion project in El Dorado Hills. The proposed park would provide active recreational opportunities (e.g., lighted ball fields, a dog park, volleyball courts, a tot lot, bocce courts, an 18-hole disc golf course) and ancillary facilities (e.g., restrooms, a shade and barbeque area, a maintenance yard, parking, an educational facility). The area surrounding Bass Lake would provide more passive uses such as multi-use trails, a fishing dock, and a boat ramp.
Roseville is a fun, close bunch that like to celebrate everything from birthdays, to work anniversaries, to baby showers, and holidays together. They also support each other in their professional and personal endeavors. Talk about team spirit! The office often hosts virtual luncheons, and every other Friday staff participates in a virtual after-work happy hour. Most notably, the Roseville office received a 2019 Sacramento Region Sustainable Business of the Year Award and was presented with a Certificate of Special Congressional Recognition for Environmental Sustainability. The Roseville staff likes to work hard in and out of the office, and it certainly shows!