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CEQA Services for Industrial Warehouses

Driven by skyrocketing e-commerce, the Inland Empire’s Industrial Warehouse market is booming! With more than 31 million square feet of new industrial construction in the Inland Empire in 2020, and over 200 million square feet developed in the last decade, warehouse development continues to grow in the Inland Empire.
LSA Environmental Specialists have a long history of assessing issues that are unique to such opportunities. We offer specialized analyses in:
- California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)
- Transportation, Parking, and Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT)
- Health Risk Assessments
- Air Quality, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, and Energy
- Sustainability
- Noise and Vibration
- Land Use Compatibility
- Biological Resources
- Cultural and Paleontological Resources
Over the last five years, LSA’s Riverside staff has provided customer-focused solutions to clients with complex development constraints and assisted Cities and Counties throughout the Inland Empire in the approval of more than 4 million square feet of warehousing. Whether they just need a new Richmond dock door, planning permission, or logistics for a whole new development, we can help with anything. Our approach to environmental analysis includes careful assessments of community compatibility and a measured balance of environmental and infrastructure capacity with economic opportunity. Some of our warehousing experience includes:
City of Fontana, Southwest Fontana Logistics Center EIR Project
Fontana, San Bernardino County, CA
LSA prepared an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for a 1.6 million square-foot warehouse facility with up to 50 percent cold storage on 73.3 acres and an adjacent community park on 18 acres. The EIR analyzed the warehouse site at the project level and the park site at a programmatic level. The project included a General Plan Amendment, Southwest Industrial Park Specific Plan Amendment, and Zone Change. LSA also prepared technical studies related to Transportation, Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Health Risk, Noise and Vibration, and Cultural and Biological Resources.
City of Fontana, Transwestern Boyle Avenue Warehouse Building 1 and Building 2 Projects
Fontana, San Bernardino County, CA
LSA prepared an Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND) for Building 1 and a Class 32 (Sec. 15332) Categorical Exemption (CE) for Building 2. Both projects are warehouses, respectively 176,219 square feet and 76,562 square feet in size, proposed in accordance with the City of Fontana General Plan land use designation and zoning ordinance. LSA also prepared technical studies related to Transportation, Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Health Risk, Noise and Vibration, and Cultural and Biological Resources.
City of Jurupa Valley, Space Center Industrial Warehouse Project
Jurupa Valley, Riverside County, CA
LSA prepared an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for a 1.1 million-square foot warehouse facility with up to 15 percent cold storage on 53.1 acres. LSA also prepared technical studies related to Transportation, Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Health Risk, Noise and Vibration, and Cultural and Biological Resources.
City of San Bernardino, Gateway South Building 6 Lena West Project
San Bernardino, San Bernardino County, CA
LSA prepared an Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND) for a 135,500-square foot high cube industrial warehouse building on 7.28 acres and expansion and improvement of existing storm basin facilities on approximately 10.49 acres adjacent to the south of the proposed warehouse building. LSA also prepared technical studies related to Transportation, Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Health Risk, Noise and Vibration, and Cultural and Biological Resources and executed the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program regarding these environmental factors during construction on behalf of the Lead Agency and project Applicant.