Biological Resources

LSA specializes in permitting for projects with impacts on wetlands and endangered species. We use extensive experience in biological and wetlands consulting and our technical expertise in wetland science, wildlife biology, botany, entomology, soil science, and native plant horticulture to provide environmentally sound solutions tailored specifically to your project. This approach has earned LSA a strong credibility and reputation for professionalism with resource agencies and that credibility enables us to efficiently navigate the permitting processes.

John Ko
Discipline Lead – Natural Resources
(949) 553-0666
- Surveys for Rare, Threatened, and Endangered Species
- Natural Resource Inventories and Habitat Evaluations
- Analyses of Biological Opportunities/Constraints
- Wildlife Hazard Assessments
- Arboriculture/Urban Forestry
- Identification of Impacts and Mitigation for Environmental Documents
- Habitat Restoration and Mitigation Planning
- Wetland/Waters Delineations
- Section 404, 401, and 1602 Permitting
- Section 404(b)(1) Alternative Analyses
- Natural Resource Management Plans
- Coastal Development Permitting
- Federal and California Endangered Species Act Consultation
- Habitat Conservation Plans
- Construction Monitoring
- Restoration Monitoring and Reporting
Desert View Drive Slope Repair and Restoration
This project required immediate response and coordination with staff at the United States Army Corps of Engineers and the San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board.
As a result of LSA’s initiative, we realized a direct savings of over $450,000 for our projects. LSA did this even though they would have earned fees for the substantial work effort…This kind of initiative that looks out for the client’s best interest is but one example of why we have the highest confidence that LSA has and will continue to provide the highest quality consulting services to ICDC.
– Bryan Austin, Irvine Community Development Company, LLC
LSA biologists have assisted California Department of Fish and Wildlife with gathering data on the distribution of Mojave Ground Squirrel (MGS) within their historic in order to develop habitat suitability models for the species. LSA took the lead in organizing the volunteer effort. Thank you for providing the report of LSA’s trapping work on the volunteer project. And thank you very much for serving as the lead organizer for the effort. I know it was a lot of work for you and your colleagues at LSA, but the volunteer effort benefited all of us who are interested in MGS conservation and ultimately, of course, the squirrels themselves. Good work!
– Scott Osborn, California Department of Fish and Wildlife (regarding the MGS trapping report LSA conducted on Johannesburg/395 Corridor Study Sites)