Please join LSA in celebrating September’s Agent of Change: Holly Torpey, Senior GIS Specialist. Holly…
LSA GIS Attends the ESRI User Conference!

Some very impressive things took place at the annual ESRI User Conference in San Diego this year. Attendees had the opportunity to “fly like a bird” using a VR headset and makeshift “bird” that you rested on. LSA attendees were also able to view all of the new drone hardware and software (Drone2Map looks great). ESRI is making a plug-in to Adobe Creative Cloud, and gave us an in-depth look at ArcGIS Pro (Version 1.3). There are many features in ArcGIS Pro that look promising, including true transparency support, publishing straight to web maps, and the 64-bit architecture. LSA is really excited about the tighter integration between ArcGIS Pro and ArcGIS Online and looks forward to following ArcGIS Pro’s development and the ways in which it will affect ArcGIS Online. Of course changes in ArcGIS Pro are not only driving changes in ArcGIS Online (and vice versa), but they are also driving changes in Portal. All of these changes, combined with new datasets and web templates, make developing on the web fast, exciting, and fun! The conference is always such a fun week as GIS nerds get together and talk shop. While the LSA GIS Team failed to get a group photo, two of our Irvine GIS Specialists got to hang out with the president of ESRI, Jack Dangermond. Very exciting as you can see!