Providing CEQA Clearance for Campus Improvements
Fremont Unified School District Environmental Services | Fremont, CA
Working with the Fremont Unified School District to secure CEQA clearance for school improvement projects, LSA used Section 15314 of the CEQA Guidelines (Class 14, minor additions to schools) to prepare Categorical Exemptions. Projects included:
- Azevada Elementary School Classroom Addition Project. The District proposed to install a new prefabricated building comprised of four new general-use classrooms. Two temporary classrooms would be removed from the campus, resulting in a net increase of two classrooms. Removal and replacement of a play structure and a walkway canopy were also proposed.
- Mattos Elementary School Classrooms Addition Project. The District proposed to install two new prefabricated buildings that would include two science labs and two general-use classrooms. After installation of the new structures, one existing science lab would be converted into a general-use classroom and three existing temporary classrooms would be removed.
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- Irvington High School Classroom Addition Project. The proposed project would include the installation of a new two-story building that would house eight classrooms and four science labs. The project would also include the removal of eight temporary, portable classrooms.
- Warm Springs Elementary School Classroom Addition Project. The District proposed to install a new two-story building constructed of prefabricated components. The new building would house 12 general use classrooms as well as restrooms, storage, and circulation spaces. After construction of the new building, nine existing portable classrooms would be removed from the James Leitch School campus resulting in a net increase in capacity between these sisters schools of three classrooms and approximately 90 students.
Fremont Unified School District

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