Evaluating Improved Athletic Facilities for One of the Largest School Districts in California
Mount Diablo Unified School District Environmental Services | Contra Costa County, CA
The Mount Diablo Unified School District has over 50 school sites and programs. It serves over 36,000 K-12 students and over 20,000 adult learners, in facilities located in Concord, Pleasant Hill, Clayton, Walnut Creek, Martinez and unincorporated Contra Costa County. LSA prepared environmental documentation for a variety of projects throughout the District, including a Draft EIR for the Ygnacio Valley High School Field Lighting Project in Concord, an IS/MND for the Northgate High School Aquatics Facility in Walnut Creek, an IS/MND for the Clayton Valley Charter High School Athletic Facility Improvements in Concord, and an IS/MND for the College Park High School Improvements Project in Pleasant Hill.
All of these projects include alterations or additions to the athletic facilities at the schools, and would allow for extended use of athletic facilities and increased capacity for spectators. Given the proximity of adjacent residential areas, the District paid particular attention to the possibility of new noise, lighting and traffic in the neighborhoods. The improvements were funded by Measure C, a $348,000,000 general obligation bond measure approved by the voters in 2010.
Mount Diablo Unified School District

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