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Helping to Create a Shopping Destination in LA County

Irwindale Regional Outlet Center EIR | Irwindale, CA

LSA prepared an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) and supporting air quality, greenhouse gas emissions, noise, and traffic studies assessing impacts from an approximately 700,000 square-foot, single-story, regional outlet center on a 63.5-acre site currently occupied by the Irwindale Speedway (a.k.a. – Irwindale Events Center). The proposed project included a Zone Change for General Plan consistency purposes, a Development Agreement, and a Site Plan and Design Review with exemption to the City’s design guidelines in order to develop the retail outlet center. The site was originally a sand and gravel quarry that ceased operation in the 1960s and was subsequently backfilled as part of a landfill from the mid-1970s to 1993.

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These previous activities created a 200-foot-deep hole that was filled with soils plus asphalt, concrete, brick fragments, plastic, metallic wire, wood, and other non-hazardous demolition debris. Based on the conclusions contained in the Initial Study, the EIR was focused on eight environmental topics including air quality, geology, greenhouse gas emissions, hazards and hazardous materials, hydrology and water quality, noise, traffic, and water supply. The EIR found that even after implementation of feasible mitigation measures, impacts associated with air quality, greenhouse gas emissions, and traffic would be significant and unavoidable with the project. As part of responding to comments made on the Draft EIR by California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) District 7, the City of Irwindale and LSA met and created responses to Caltrans’ comments. Caltrans submitted a follow-up letter to the City of Irwindale stating that all their comments had been satisfied. The EIR was certified by the City Council on March 25, 2015.


City of Irwindale

Environmental document; technical studies



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