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Tony’s Corner: Housing and VMT

California is experiencing a housing crisis. We are in the grip of a climate crisis. The shortage of water has created another crisis. So many crises, it can become overwhelming. Given the seemingly insurmountable task, our legislators boldly act to…


Wishing You a Wonderful Holiday!

The holiday season is full of traditions in the Petros household. On Christmas Eve, we take a Polish dinner over to my mother’s home and share the holiday with a uniquely eastern accent. Early on Christmas morning, I sneak out…


LSA’s Green Team Keeping Busy

The LSA Green Team and staff across all the California offices have been keeping busy recently, with staff participating in major events such as the sixth annual Clean Air Day, coastal cleanups, and reaching new milestones in participation companywide. The…


Remembering Mike Trotta

How do you measure a life? Is it by the company you keep? The family you nurture? The material you possess? The content of your character? It has been 1 year since Mike Trotta left us. Mike was my work…


Plastic Free July

The LSA Green Team hosted its first ever Plastic Free July event and was met with an excellent turnout from all LSA offices! In an effort to reduce plastic use at LSA, the Green Team announced a month-long event during…


LSA’s Green Team – Earth Day 2023

LSA’s Green Team continued its annual tradition of conducting an Earth Day Challenge amongst LSA staff this year and were excited to see an increase in participation from last year. The challenge asks staff to venture out and engage in…


No Work Is Insignificant

I was seven years old, and my parents had taken me to Chicago to visit my grandma. Jaja was a mystery. She had smooth skin and not a wrinkle, but her hands were those of a laborer. Sausage, calloused fingers…


Rose Parade Float Decorating with BIASC!

LSA’s Christine Golus decorated a Rose Parade float to represent the Building Industry Association of Southern California’s (BIASC) 100th Anniversary. She had helped with three other floats in past years, enjoyed those experiences, and was excited to try again. It…

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